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1.集装箱装柜常见问题有哪些?(以家具为例)家具包装的特点是大小不一、包装形状不规则、轻重差别大,也容易出现包装不密实容易变形等问题。如沙发体积大且形状不规则;床、衣柜等尺寸比较长;玻璃桌面等特别重;铁架的花园椅子包装箱里面比较空、枕头比较柔软,容易被别的货物压坏包装;压缩包装的床垫、地毯等是圆柱形的。1)上面的货物太重压得下面的箱子破损、变形。Deformed or serious deformed because of bad loading.2)货物码放不平衡,导致倾斜不平 Not even, fall off.3)某些箱子悬空没有足够的支撑 Some space not used and no support.4)箱子倒过来了,没有按照箱子上的操作指示码放。Some cartons loaded Up-Side Down.5)箱子与箱子之间太松散,没有码放紧密。Not tight enough and waste space.6)理货员节奏跟不上装柜速度,因为货物种类太多,装箱单又没有排序 导致核对货物忙不过来。Tallying guy is too busy to catch up with the loading speed, because of many items and the article codes haven’t sorted in the manifest.7)超重货物叠得太高,超过货柜的半高以上。Stacking too high (more than half of the height of the container) for some heavy (more than 50kg per carton)cargo.2. 如何解决以上问题?装柜应遵循什么原则?几个概念:打底、上半部分、下半部分、箱型(分类)、打平、打齐、平放、侧放、站着放、横放、竖放。原则1:重、大、耐压的装下面重的、密度特别大的、包装坚固耐压的、大件的、形状规则的码放在集装箱的下半部分(柜高的下半部分即为打底)。The heavy, the strong, the large loaded on the bottom of the container.原则2:轻、小、不耐压、不规则的装上面轻的、容易变形的、又小又轻的、不规则的码放在集装箱的上半部分。The light, the one easy to deform, the small and the one with irregular size loaded on the top.原则3:要么平整、要么垂直、别倾斜货物要装在平面上,不能倾斜叠放;薄的货物如玻璃面侧放时应保持垂直、不能倾斜,要打直、压紧。Thin carton such as glass top must be placed vertically if loading side and it must be made tight.原则4:要密实、避免悬空货物要有支撑,不能悬空,尽量用小箱的货物填满缝隙。Any cargo must be put on an even surface, not much space under cargo, use the small CTN fill the little space.原则5:同类相聚箱型相似的尽量放一起,以利于打平、打整齐。The cartons with similar shape and size should be better to stuff together so as to make them tidy and even.原则6:超重别超高、超高别超重超重货物(每件50公斤以上的)不能叠得太高,原则上不应超过货柜的半高以上。Supper-heavy cargo(more than 50kg per carton) should not be stacked too high(higher than half of the container).版权声明:本文为飞捷腾达-国际货代精英原创,欢迎分享,转载请务必注明作者或出处

销售部:刘经理 直线: 0532-85790591 微信/手机: 13808967083
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市场部:刘经理     直线:0532-85790591 微信/手机:13808967083
企业QQ:2422652087 企业邮箱:market@saintvoyage.com 


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